97 research outputs found

    An analysis of overlapping terms to define articles key words: The use of VOSviewer tool applied to technology transfer in fuel cells

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    Several ways of structuring sources of innovation have been provided in order to achieve competitiveness and reduce the impacts during a crisis time. The use of renewable technologies that also reduce global carbon dioxide emissions and dependence on fossil fuels has been encouraged. The objective of this study was to identify the main groupings of terms through the VOSviewer tool, related to technology transfer in fuel cells found from searching in the Scopus database repository. The structuring of relationship networks of the terms of greater co-occurrence of technology transfer in fuel cells enabled a verification based on clear definitions, providing a synthesis of the most researched devices, or potentially found in the Scopus database. The search provided a number of 170 articles in an unbiased way presenting an overview of the main understanding of selected articles from 2015 up to the present, indicating central operators to be considered, as well as innovation perception to support future economic growth, focusing on most significant terms on the searched parameters

    Cross-evaluation of the therapeutical methods for idiopathic congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus): controversies regarding the tendocalcaneous tenotomy

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    OBJECTIVE: There has been a lot of discussion regarding the treatment of congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus,) and Posenti's methodology currently seems to be the most rational, offering high rates of satisfactory results when compared to Kite's approach that prevailed in orthopedics until the end of the 90s. With the recent change of concepts, this study purports to analyze the profile of orthopedists treating this infirmity in Brazil, through a questionnaire used at the 39th Brazilian Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, since such data is unknown in the Brazilian literature. METHODS: An investigative questionnaire was prepared to ascertain the treatment method used, the characteristics of the population studied, the results acquired with treatment and, particularly, how they approached the Achilles tendon. RESULTS: Of the 5,329 registered orthopedists, we acquired 539 spontaneous participations. Of these, only 88 (16.30%) orthopedists perform the treatment for congenital clubfoot; 78 (88.60%) use the Ponseti method and 9 (10.20%) use Kite's; for 47.70%, conservative treatment is performed between 4 and 6 months and for 35.30%, between 1 and 3 months; 58 (66.00%) interviewees perform the Achilles tendon tenotomy in 80% to 100% of their patients and 59 (67.05%) perform it at a surgical center due to safety conditions, sterilized environment, anesthesia, ease of access, and patient monitoring; 32 (36.36%) orthopedists present 80% of good results or more, 54 (61.36%) present 50% to 80% good results and 46 (52.27%) present a 10% relapse rate. CONCLUSIONS: Although the Ponseti Method defines that the Achilles tendon tenotomy should be performed in an outpatient setting, most of the orthopedists (59 - 67.05%) perform it in the operating room.OBJETIVO: Há muita discussão em relação ao tratamento do pé torto congênito equino-cavo-varo e atualmente a sistemática proposta por Ponseti parece ser a mais racional oferecendo altas taxas de resultados satisfatórios em detrimento à metodologia de Kite que predominou no meio ortopédico até o final da década de 90. Com a recente mudança de conceitos, este trabalho tem o intuito de analisar, por meio de questionário aplicado no 39° Congresso Brasileiro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, o perfil dos ortopedistas no Brasil frente a esta afecção, fato este desconhecido considerando a literatura nacional. MÉTODO: Um questionário para investigação foi elaborado para verificar o método de tratamento utilizado, as características da população estudada, os resultados obtidos com o tratamento e particularmente como abordam cirurgicamente o tendão calcâneo. RESULTADOS: Do total de 5.329 ortopedistas inscritos, obtivemos 539 participações espontâneas; destes, somente 88 (16,30%) indivíduos executam o tratamento para o pé torto congênito; 78 (88,60%) aplicam o método de Ponseti; e nove (10,20%) o de Kite. Para 47,70%, o tratamento conservador é realizado entre quatro e seis meses e para 35,20% entre um e três meses; 58 (66,00%) entrevistados efetuam a tenotomia do tendão calcâneo em 80% a 100% de seus pacientes e 59 (67,05%) a realizam no centro cirúrgico devido às condições de segurança, assepsia, anestesia, facilidade de acesso e monitorização do paciente; 32 (36,36%) ortopedistas apresentam 80% ou mais de bons resultados, 54 (61,36%) apresentam 50% a 80% de bons resultados e 46 (52,27%) apresentam taxa de recidiva de 10%. CONCLUSÃO: Embora o método de Ponseti defina que a tenotomia do tendão calcâneo seja realizada ambulatorialmente com anestesia local, a maioria 59 (67,05%) dos ortopedistas a realiza no centro cirúrgico.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Ortopedia PediátricaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Ortopedia PediátricaSciEL

    Nova tecnologia de poda para o café Arábica: poda programada de ciclo para o café Arábica

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    This study aimed to better understand the productive behavior of Coffea arabica when cultivated using the new management of Cyclic Pruning Program for Arabica Coffee (CPPAC), stablished using the same principles of the Cyclic Pruning Program for Conilon Coffee. The experiment was carried out in Baixo Guandú, Espírito Santo state, in the Southeast region of Brazil, in order to test the conditioning of this new pruning management for Arabica coffee (CPPAC) over the crop yield of a plantation of Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81. It was found increased crop yield with use of the (CPPAC) over the traditional management of Arabica coffee, considering five consecutive years of production. The (CPPAC) technique can be used as a viable alternative for pruning management of Arabica coffee.Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender melhor o comportamento produtivo do café, Coffea Arábica quando cultivado usando a nova tecnologia da Poda Programa de Ciclo para o Café Arábica (PPCA), estabelecida usando os mesmos princípios da Poda Programa de Ciclo do Café Conilon. O experimento foi desenvolvido em Baixo Guandu, no Espírito Santo, na região Sudeste do Brasil, a fim de testar o condicionamento dessa nova tecnologia de poda para o Café Arábica (PPCA) sobre o rendimento da colheita de uma plantação de café Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81. Foi encontrado aumento da produtividade com o uso da PPCA sobre a poda tradicional do café arábica, considerando cinco anos consecutivos de produção. A técnica da PPCA pode ser usada como uma alternativa viável para a poda do café arábica

    No association between periodontal disease and GHQ-12 in a Brazilian Police population

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    Objectives: We attempt to investigate a possible association between periodontal disease (PD) and mental disorders (MD) in a population of Brazilian Police. Study Method: From a total study population consisting of 803 policemen, 345 police officers were obtained by a sample calculation using the finite population correction who were randomly selected in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Patients who had been prescribed steroids or those diagnosed with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases were excluded from this study. The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was used to assess mental disorders. Odds ratios (ORs) for periodontal diseases severity and their respective 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated. The risk of advanced scores in Clinical Attachment Level (CAL) and Community Periodontal Index (CPI) were estimated using Poisson Regression analyses. Results: Only smoking and age were associated with severity in CAL and CPI index. No relation between MD and PD was observed even in different positions within the police department. Conclusions: It was not observed relation between GHQ 12 and the incidence of Periodontal Disease in a Brazi-lian Police population. Classical factors like age and smoking, however, were associated with CAL and CPI index higher scores in this population. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Convergência internacional e os desafios ao ensino e profissão contábil

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    Ao longo dos anos, a ciência contábil passou por evolução, acompanhando as mudanças ocorridas na sociedade. Entre os avanços, pode-se destacar o processo de harmonização e padronização das informações contábeis, por meio da convergência aos padrões internacionais. Destarte, o presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar os desafios do processo de convergência aos padrões internacionais no ensino e no exercício da profissão contábil sob a ótica dos discentes do curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, adotou-se a pesquisa de caráter descritivo, quantitativa, tendo como procedimento o levantamento direcionado aos alunos do curso de Ciências Contábeis. Com os resultados, constatou-se que os discentes consideram que o curso deve sofrer mudanças em sua grade curricular, com relação aos desafios no ensino, os discentes consideram que os desafios e dificuldades que o professor de contabilidade enfrenta são o fato de a profissão contábil estar em constante mudança, conciliar o trabalho ao ensino e não possuírem preparação adequada para a docência

    Predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing pharmacoinvasive treatment

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing pharmacoinvasive treatment. METHODS: This was an observational, prospective study that included 398 patients admitted to a tertiary center for percutaneous coronary intervention within 3 to 24 hours after thrombolysis with tenecteplase. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01791764. RESULTS: The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 5.8%. Compared with patients who survived, patients who died were more likely to be older, have higher rates of diabetes and chronic renal failure, have a lower left ventricular ejection fraction, and demonstrate more evidence of heart failure (Killip class III or IV). Patients who died had significantly lower rates of successful thrombolysis (39% vs. 68%; p = 0.005) and final myocardial blush grade 3 (13.0% vs. 61.9%; p,0.0001). Based on the multivariate analysis, the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events score (odds ratio 1.05, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-1.09; p = 0.001), left ventricular ejection fraction (odds ratio 0.9, 95% CI 0.89-0.97; p = 0.001), and final myocardial blush grade of 0-2 (odds ratio 8.85, 95% CI 1.34-58.57; p = 0.02) were independent predictors of mortality. CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective study that evaluated patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by a pharmacoinvasive strategy, the in-hospital mortality rate was 5.8%. The Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events score, left ventricular ejection fraction, and myocardial blush were independent predictors of mortality in this high-risk group of acute coronary syndrome patients

    Processo para produção de resinas à base de poli (2,5-furanodicarboxilato de etileno), resinas à base de poli (2,5-furanodicarboxilato de etileno) e uso das referidas resinas

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    DepositadaA presente invenção refere-se a um processo para produção de resinas à base de poli (2,5-furanodicarboxilato de etileno) na presença de etilenoglicol, a resinas à base de poli (2,5-furanodicarboxilato de etileno), bem como ao uso das referidas resinas na fabricação de filmes, embalagens, fibras e peças extrusadas

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel imidazolidine derivatives as candidates to schistosomicidal agents

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    Introduction: Schistosomiasis is an infectious parasitic disease caused by trematodes of the genus Schistosoma, which threatens at least 258 million people worldwide and its control is dependent on a single drug, praziquantel. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-Schistosoma mansoni activity in vitro of novel imidazolidine derivatives. Material and methods: We synthesized two novel imidazolidine derivatives: (LPSF/PTS10) (Z)-1-(2-chloro-6-fluorobenzyl)-4-(4-dimethylaminobenzylidene)-5-thioxoimidazolidin-2-one and (LPSF/PTS23) (Z)-1-(2-chloro-6-fluoro-benzyl)-5-thioxo-4-(2,4,6-trimethoxy-benzylidene)-imidazolidin-2-one. The structures of two compounds were determined by spectroscopic methods. During the biological assays, parameters such as motility, oviposition, mortality and analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy were performed. Results: LPSF/PTS10 and LPSF/PTS23 were considered to be active in the separation of coupled pairs, mortality and to decrease the motor activity. In addition, LPSF/PTS23 induced ultrastructural alterations in worms, after 24 h of contact, causing extensive erosion over the entire body of the worms. Conclusion: The imidazolidine derivatives containing the trimetoxy and benzylidene halogens showed promising in vitro schistosomicidal activity

    Definições para a padronização da pesquisa de auto-anticorpos contra constituintes do núcleo (FAN HEp-2), nucléolo, citoplasma e aparelho mitótico e suas associações clínicas

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    OBJECTIVE: The Second Brazilian Consensus on Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) in HEp-2 Cells approved and extended the decision trees developed during the First Brazilian Consensus in order to also offer information about mixed patterns of fluorescence. METHODS: Since this test elicits reactions not only to nuclear autoimmune antigens but also to different cell compartments, new denominations for the test were approved. Results and CONCLUSIONS: These new denominations encompass variations on the autoantibody testing against the nucleus (ANA HEp-2), nucleolus, cytoplasm, and mitotic apparatus issue. Furthermore, major clinical associations were described for each immunofluorescent pattern, facilitating the interpretation of laboratory results in the clinical practice.OBJETIVO: O Segundo Consenso Brasileiro de Fator Antinuclear (FAN) em Células HEp-2 ratificou os algoritmos de decisão para leitura dos padrões do FAN na imunofluorescência indireta vistos na primeira edição do Consenso Brasileiro, adicionando ainda um novo algoritmo relacionado com os padrões mistos. MÉTODOS: Tendo em vista a habilidade do teste em detectar autoantígenos nos distintos compartimentos celulares, e não apenas no núcleo, propõe-se novas denominações para este exame laboratorial. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Como novas denominações algumas sugestões foram igualmente aceitas, dentro do tema pesquisa de auto-anticorpos contra constituintes do núcleo (FAN HEp-2), nucléolo, citoplasma e aparelho mitótico. Foram abordadas as principais relevâncias clínicas com os padrões de FAN descritos, facilitando o melhor uso do ensaio pelo médico.FMUSPUNIFESPBio-Rad Laboratório BrasilHospital Geral de GoiâniaBiomédicaUniversidade Federal de UberlândiaUFMG HCPUCRS HCNew Life Produtos HospitalaresUniversidade Católica de GoiásFMUSP HC Laboratório CentralPatologista ClínicaFMUSP HCFrischmann Aisengart Unidad InmunologíaUniversidade Católica de Goiás Laboratório de Auto-ImunidadeExame Medicina LaboratorialFMUFG HC Laboratório de Imuno-Reumatologia e HLALab. Santa LuziaMedivax/BionHSPE/SPUniversidade Católica de Goiás Laboratório da Área de SaúdeFarmacêutica-BioquímicaUniv. Fed. Mato GrossoFMUFG Serviço de ReumatologiaHospital Durand Unidad InmunologíaLaboratório ClínicoUFRGS HCPA Serviço de ReumatologiaUERJ FCMUFMG FMHospital Universitário de Brasília Laboratório de ReumatologiaUNIFESPSciEL